Grade 1 to Grade 4

Joyous Learning

The joy, excitement and hard work of learning radiate from Lower School classrooms onto the walls of hallways and stairs, onto the stage in the auditorium, into every corner of the school. We believe that children learn best in an atmosphere where they are applauded for taking risks and feel safe enough to make mistakes. Although there are goals for the mastery of skills in each grade, children are encouraged to take pride in their own progress, not in comparing themselves to others

As Scarsdale is an international school the medium of instruction is English and we encourage our students to speak it throughout the day formally and informally. We have small class numbers as we believe that the student is the center of the learning process. Teachers focus upon the individual student’s reading, written, oral and problem-solving skills in each discipline and, at the same time, actively strive to develop the student’s self-confidence, independence, individuality and ability to think critically

Learning goals.

Joy and curiosity are inherent to all learning at Scarsdale International School and animate the following Learning Goals:


Students remain creative in their learning and expression, using imagination and insight to produce original and useful ideas and solutions.

Open Mindedness

Students learn to collaborate effectively and value the exchange of diverse ideas, opinions, and cultural perspectives.


Students demonstrate respect and empathy for others.

Critical Thinking

Students develop skills in critical and logical thinking, using analysis and evaluation to come to reasoned judgments.


Students effectively represent and express their ideas in many genres and media and to varied audiences.


Students are self aware and reflective and are active participants in their own learning and development as people.


Students are increasingly able to transfer curricular content and skills to new learning.


Students make informed and ethical decisions, taking responsibility for their own actions and becoming positive and helpful members of their communities


Students are willing to be flexible, independent, and courageous in the pursuit of learning and persevere in the face of challenges

Lifelong Learning

Students are prepared to meet the challenges of a demanding secondary education and continue on the path of lifelong learning.