Leadership in learning:

Middle school years involve tremendous growth and change. We see curiosity, boundless energy and increased sophistication inside and outside the classroom. Each day, our students take on more responsibility and independence; we understand them, support them, and help them grow as they transition from childhood to adolescence.

Scarsdale helps students take safe risks, pursue talents, and discover new passions. Our vigorous academics focus on skill development, hands-on learning and interdisciplinary projects. Connections between students and adults, so important in adolescent years, are lively: in the classroom, and on the fields and stages. Students feel comfortable turning to their teachers, advisors or coaches for support and guidance. The faculty is devoted to their craft and eagerly evaluates and applies best practices in adolescent education.

Middle school years should be wonderful for both students and parents. We are eager to help you learn about how Scarsdale’s environment helps each student thrive.

Scarsdale’s students are intellectual, vivacious and capable; when they become secondary students, they share those qualities with their peers. From kindergarten through eighth grade, Scarsdale students are at ease within a varied and vivid community that the school provides. They are forthright and their confidence on a subject and in themselves goes deep. They persistently and creatively draw upon their established and emerging foundations in Math, Science, Writing, English Language, Literature and the Arts to find respectable and sometimes suprising solutions to challenges big and small.