Scarsdale’s guiding philosophy is to provide young people in Pakistan the opportunity to become internationally competitive. We do so by teaching for internationally recognized qualifications. The programs we offer are of assured standards and have worldwide acceptability. We believe that, along with quality education, personality development is crucial. We endeavor to develop self-confidence, independent thinking and power of expression through a host of cross-curricular activities.

During the first few years of formal education, a child’s thinking is stimulated at all levels. Language is developing rapidly and the comprehension of nuances and subtleties has begun to be understood. Different types of thinking at various levels are encouraged and promoted by including a range of cross-curriculum activities and interactive learning experiences. This type of education encourages our children to become independent and creative thinkers who learn to solve problems in their own way, not simply puppets who achieve nothing more than reasonable results in their examinations.

The technological development of the past century in the fields of transportation, telecommunication and information technology have opened the world up for us. More importantly they have brought the world into our homes. Our children are growing up in a rapidly changing world and the school has the obligation to assist students to meet these challenges by continuously updating the curriculum to meet these ever increasing challenges. Students can see where they are; what they can achieve and soon will have achieved. Consequently there is a sharpened desire to better themselves at a personal level.

The object of teaching in the formal education section of the K-8 school is to set the child’s feet upon a path which would enable the child to learn without the direct input of the teacher. The teacher, then, becomes a facilitator to learning.

The K-8 department has one key theme and that is ongoing commitment to quality education which we foster by

  • providing an understanding of and empathy for an individual’s needs
  • respecting the child
  • providing an atmosphere for exciting and creative learning experiences
  • providing open door policy to provide effective two way communication
  • interacting with parents as partners in the learning process
  • providing the best quality of education possible

We trust these commitments will build a bridge for your child so that your child can move with ease and success from the little world your child knows to the greater environment of the outside world.

Education is a dynamic partnership between children, teachers and parents, in which each complements the work and effort of the others in an atmosphere of cooperation, mutual respect, trust and appreciation.

In the outside world good citizens are disciplined. They know how to conform to the dictates of society. It is our aim that Scarsdale’s students will become good, worthwhile human beings, who have the resolve to work and live in harmony with others and who acknowledge the rights of others to a peaceful co-existence.

The K-8 School is separated into three distinctive subsections, each with a different approach towards the children involved in the learning process.

The first subsection, Tiny Tots, encompasses preschool children between the ages of 2+ to 5 years of age.

The second subsection, the Elementary School, includes children from Kindergarten who are 5 years of age to Grade 4.

The final section is the Middle School where the children are from Grade 5 to Grade 8.