Doctor on Call

Scarsdale has its own school doctor on campus who attends to any medical emergency. There is a designated sick room for students who are unwell and need to rest before they can return to class. All health records are kept on file for each student and can be accessed by the doctor and the school support staff.

Anti Bullying Program

bully2The most prevalent discipline issue any school administration deals with on a daily basis is the bullying of students by other students. We have found that 90% of the physical instances of bullying that take place are as a result of the curse names the students use to insult each other or mothers, brothers, sisters, etc, and from the swearing that is used in English, Urdu and Punjabi.
On a yearly basis, the school holds anti-bullying workshops for all the grades and explains in various ways from play acting to discussion the anti-bullying policy and ways to stop bullying. At the end of the anti-bullying workshop students enter into a commitment to stop swearing and bullying by signing a contract which sets out the parameters of conduct. Parents receive a copy of this agreement.
Parents are encouraged to speak to their children and explain that this behavior will be severely dealt with. Bullying is not a behavioral pattern that develops overnight at school. A student becomes a bully due to circumstances that occur at home or in another social environment long before the behavior is displayed at school. Although we are partners in education, bullying starts at home and becomes a problem at school. Parents should be proactive and prevent this type of behavior before it becomes a pattern or cycle that is difficult to stop or change. The anti-bullying policy is set out below

The No Hands, No Feet practice

The No Hands, No Feet practice means that students are not allowed to touch or use their hands or feet to harm or injure anyone at school. We actively discourage any type of physical contact as even the friendliest physical contact can be misconstrued and can result in a student being bullied.

No Swearing practice

No Swearing practice is actively discouraged and severely dealt with the moment it occurs. Bad language to insult a family member is bullying and can lead to aggression and assault.

Rather Say Nothing practice

The implementation of the concept that unless I have something nice to say about someone I shall rather say nothing is to be practiced by all. This means that using hurtful, insulting or unkind words is also considered bullying.
Bullying is also the instigation, agitation or disturbance of a class as it results in robbing students of the opportunity to do well at school. This type of unruly and destructive behavior will not be tolerated. Being repeatedly unprepared for class is considered as agitation and the disturbance of class.

The consequences for disobeying the anti-bullying policy are as follows:

  • A student caught touching, using hands/feet to hurt a student; or using voice; or any other form of physical behavior to instigate, agitate or disturb a class, so that the whole class is robbed of the opportunity to learn, will be suspended for one day with immediate effect.
  • A student caught swearing will be suspended for one day for each word that the student has used.
  • A student caught physically bullying another student may be expelled with immediate effect.

School Psychologist

A consulting child and adolescent psychologist is available to students as part of our clinical team. The psychologist helps students around a variety of normative adolescent developmental issues and other health concerns. Students may seek help around issues such as adjustment and homesickness, stress management, depression, anxiety, grief and loss, eating concerns, and relationship and family issues.
Confidentiality is an important component to our services. Counseling records are kept separate from medical and academic records.

Life Skills

BULLY1This program is lead by the student councilor and is designed to discuss matters that influence the choices that students make. This program takes place once a week for 70 minutes from Kindergarten through Grade 8.

Teaching children life skills in order to build confidence and strengthen independence is an important stage of childhood development. Although some are eager to reach this level of understanding, others wish these types of lessons and responsibilities would be left for later in life.

Life Skills is a course which helps people to develop skills in dealing with and coping with daily living situations. Participants learn and practice problem solving skills to gain more control of their lives. The course helps participants to plan and work toward greater personal satisfaction.

Life Skills is an active learning program. Participants participate and learn through a variety of class activities such as: films, group discussions, closed circuit television, guest speakers, written exercises, role playing and recreation.

Life Skills is an opportunity for people to explore alternatives in their lives, to develop self-confidence, to do things in a new way, and to make solid plans to reach their goals.

Life Skills is a way to discover more about yourself and your own abilities. The course helps the participants to develop and to use their strengths and skills in becoming the person they would like to be. Participants learn about accepting responsibility for choices they make in managing their lives.