Monthly Menu

cafe3The dining services at Scarsdale are an important part of the daily life of our students and faculty. Our dining staff works hard to provide diverse and nutritious options for all palates. Lunches in the cafeteria include selections from an extensive snack menu to Pakistani traditional dishes, Chinese stir-fry to burgers and wraps. Dining services occasionally sponsors special event lunch complete with music.

The monthly menu is sent home on the 5th of every month. The student Affairs Manager is in charge of seeing that the menu is changed and refreshed often.

Our snack bar, also located in the cafeteria, provides another option for students needing an afternoon snack before studying or a sports drink before a tough practice.

Finally, led by our talented house keeping administrator, dining services host events throughout the year for faculty, alumni and other campus visitors, providing appetizing hors d-oeuvres, savory dinners and sweet treats.


  • Chicken Karahi
  • Chicken Shawarma
  • Club Sandwitch


  • Spaghetti w/Meat Sauce
  • Chop Chop Salad
  • Chicken Shashlik


  • Chicken Briyani
  • Grilled Cheese
  • French Fries


  • Chicken drum sticks
  • Chicken Manchurian
  • Zinger Burger


  • Donuts
  • Pizza
  • Samossas
  • French Fries
  • Club Sandwitch

Other Items that are available


  • Spring water
  • Fruit Juice
  • Milo
  • Sugar free cool drinks
  • Cool drinks

Desert Bar

  • Wide variety of baked desserts including cakes, brownies and cookies

Other Favourits:

  • Salty snacks.
  • Candy.


At Scarsdale we believe in creating a wellness regimen that teaches students how to EAT, LEARN and LIVE well. We encourage our students to have a single-minded commitment to building strong bodies and sharp minds, thus establishing a foundation for a long healthier life.
Our dining staff help promote this wellness regimen by making sure food is prepared from the freshest ingredients, and there is limited use of processed foods; artificial colors; flavorings; msg; preservatives and trans-fats. Seasonal fruits and vegetables are offered with each meal and options of whole grains are available.

Allergy Awareness:

Food allergies are a major concern for the dining staff because ingesting the wrong food can be life-threatening. Milk, egg, peanut, tree nut, fish, shellfish, soy and wheat account for 90% of all food-allergic reactions.

Good Nutrition For Kids and Teens: (The Child Development Institute)

All parents want their children to be healthy. As elementary school aged children go through remarkable physical changes of all kinds, their food intake becomes a critical aspect of this growth and development. Recent research shows that nourishing food not only makes a child healthier, it makes him emotionally more stable, and it improves school performance.


A child in the classroom whose last meat was dinner the night before has gone about sixteen hours without food, and that child is hungry, whether he knows it or not. A nutritious breakfast will provide energy for several hours-until lunch, in fact. Is any kind of breakfast better than no breakfast at all? Traditionally, teachers schedule “heavy” subjects, such as reading and arithmetic, during the morning hours, and so it becomes even more important that the childs brain be fueled. The following suggestions have proved helpful in sending youngsters off to school ready to learn. There is an unlimited assortment of blended breakfast drinks with all sorts of combinations: orange juice, bananas, apple juice, wheat germ, etc. Eight ounces of such a drink served over shaved ice with a couple of slices of whole, wheat toast will keep any youngster on his toes until noon. If the youngster likes cereal, dry or cooked, give it an extra boost with a sprinkling of wheat germ, chopped nuts, raisins, or other fruit. Leftover pizza doesnt make a bad breakfast. Its more nutritious than any other fast food, and you can increase its nutrition by adding extra cheese. Layer yogurt with fruit, and honey or try a breakfast buffet with sliced fresh fruits, finger food vegetables, hard- boiled eggs, whole-wheat muffins. The more colorful, the better, and kids love to help themselves.


The packed lunch box! Does the child give, trade, or throw most of it away? (The clue is if he comes home ready to eat anything and everything in the refrigerator!) Its altogether possible that the youngster is jettisoning his lunch because he is bored to tears with it, so its time for the parents to get creative.Apples and oranges certainly qualify on all counts-nutritious, no preparation, relatively inexpensive. But theyre also easy to toss in the garbage can! Get a couple of plastic containers with lids that stay on and fill them with fruit cocktail, applesauce, mandarin orange slices, yogurt, even popcorn.Use cookie cutters to shape sandwiches, crinkle-cut carrots, stuff some celery. If your youngster likes peanut butter, add any of the following to peanut butter for a change from the tried and true peanut butter and jelly sandwich: chopped dates or nuts, raisins, chicken bits or kebab.Mix boiled chicken with sliced cucumbers, sprouts, grated carrots, hard boiled eggs or chopped celery, etc.

After School Snacks

Once a child has entered the primary grades, it is no longer possible for him to eat whenever he feels hungry, and it can be a long time between lunch and the final bell. Most youngsters arrive home wanting and needing an immediate energy boost. Its a great opportunity to add some “in nutrients to the youngsters diet. To many youngsters a snack automatically means something sweet; however, sugar should be removed from the diet as much as possible except for special occasions. Most youngsters like dried fruits, Popcorn, nuts, cheese, or whole wheat crackers.


Cafeteria lunches and snacks are bought with tokens. Tokens are purchased in a pack with two different denomination combinations. Orange tokens have a value of Rs 20 while the blue tokens have a value of 10 rupees.
One pack of tokens costs 200 rupees. These token packs are purchased at the school entrance, in the morning, and can be used through out the month.
